Westchester County, NY DWI Lawyer
Experienced In DWI Law, Skilled Defense Lawyers
When you have received a DWI in Westchester County, you need a DWI lawyer with deep experience. You also need an attorney that has the know-how to minimize its effects on your life. With over ten years of successfully navigating DWI cases through the Westchester Courts, Robert Nachamie knows how to help mitigate your drunk driving charge.

My Pledge To My Clients…
If you’ve received a DWI, a serious traffic ticket you are nervous, anxious, and worried about how it will affect your life. If you have been arrested the stress is compounded.
In all three of these cases, you need a skilled and experienced defense firm, who also knows the courts. You can depend upon my 15+ years of experience in the Peekskill, Westchester & Dutchess Courts to help you.
I know that good people make mistakes, and sometimes they are serious. I also believe that good people deserve a second chance with minimal effects on their life. My firm focuses on Criminal Law, DWI, and Traffic cases. My team and I are dedicated to developing the strongest defense for your unique situation. Our goal is to ensure that one mistake has a minimal long-term effect on your life. On this, you have my word.
~ Robert Nachamie, Esq.
How To Find The Best DWI Lawyer
In Westchester County For Your Needs
This short video will give your helpful tips on how to find the right DWI lawyer (also known as a DUI lawyer In some areas) for your unique situation…

Have You Received A
DWI (DUI) In Westchester County?
Attorney Robert Nachamie’s
Deep Experience In
DWI Law Matters
Can Make All The Difference!
The Best DWI Lawyers Need Knowledge Of The Law,
Experience In DWI Matters And Knowledge The Local Court

What To Do If You Have Been
Pulled Over For A DWI In Westchester County?
5 Ways You Can Help Yourself If You Have Been Pulled Over By The Police For A DWI:
- Remain calm- Police officers can interpret nervousness in your voice as a sign that you are hiding something or are intoxicated. Whether you have consumed alcohol or not, remaining calm is a good way to ensure that a police officer will not question your sobriety.
- Always have a clean center console or glove box – Fumbling through these compartments to find your registration or insurance can be misinterpreted for intoxication. By keeping a glove box or center console neat and clean, your documents are ready to be presented.
- Do not consent to a search of the car – Any evidence found in your car could be used to support a DWI or a chemical-drug conviction; do not allow the officer to perform a search.
- Get a blood test after release – Because alcohol detection devices can be faulty, it’s a good idea to measure your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) after arrest. At trial, your attorney can use that evidence to support your drunk driving defense.
- Contact an experienced DWI lawyer as soon as possible – An experienced attorney will advise in a manner that will protect your rights and maximize their ability to defend you, especially against criminal DWI charges.
These tips are appropriate in Westchester County, New York, or any other state. Being polite while knowing your rights is always going to help your DWI attorney, provide the best defense against a drunk driving charge.
Get Your FREE eBook:
If You Or A Loved One Has Been Arrested And Faces Criminal Charges, You Need to Read This FREE eBook:
“What To Do If You Are Arrested & How You Can Help Your Attorney Help You!”

You’ll need a lawyer in Westchester, NYS, or out-of-state!
Though DUI is a common legal term used by many states, New York does not actually use the term. In New York, there are two main “drunk driving” charges: DWI and DWAI. DWI stands for “Driving While Intoxicated,” while DWAI stands for “Driving While Ability Impaired.” According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, there are some major differences between a DWI and a DWAI:
–BAC (blood alcohol content) is between 0.05 and 0.07 percent
-Less severe than DWI
-Fines up to $1,000, up to 3 years probation, a possible jail sentence of one year
Consequences Of Getting A DWI
DWI–6-month automatic revocation of your license
-BAC of at least 0.08 percent
-Potential jail time, fines, probation
-Mandatory license revocation
–Installation of an ignition interlock device for a minimum of 1 year required at the driver’s expense
-Additional penalties may be required
If you have been charged with a DWAI or a DWI you will need the help of an experienced defense lawyer like Robert M Nachamie

New York State DWI & DWAI Laws
Following is a list of violations and repercussions associated with DWI/DUI in New York State:
Please note license revocation can be permanent in complex cases. In these types of cases, penalties, jail time and fines can be more severe.
Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated (AGG DWI) Fine: $1,000 – $2,500 plus 1 year Revoked for at least one year
Second AGG DWI in 10 years (E felony) Fine: $1,000 – $5,000 4 years Revoked for at least 18 months
Third AGG DWI in 10 years (D felony) Fine: $2,000 – $10,000 7 years Revoked for at least 18 months

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving While Impaired by a Drug (DWAI-Drug) Fine: $500 – $1,000 1 year DWI – Revoked for at least six months
DWAI-Drugs – Suspended for at least six months
Second DWI or DWAI-Drug violation in 10 years (E felony) Fine: $1,000 – $5,000 4 years Revoked for at least one year
Third DWI or DWAI-Drug violation in 10 years (D felony) Fine: $2,000 – $10,000 7 years Revoked for at least one year
Driving While Ability Impaired by a Combination of Alcohol/Drugs (DWAI-Combination) Fine: $500 – $1,000 1 year Revoked for at least six months
Second DWAI-Combination in 10 years (E felony) Fine: $1,000 – $5,000 4 years Revoked for at least one year
Third DWAI-Combination in 10 years (D felony) Fine: $2,000 – $10,000 7 years Revoked for at least one year

Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol (DWAI) Fine: $300 – $500 15 days Suspended for 90 days
Second DWAI violation in 5 years Fine: $500 – $750 30 days Revoked for at least six months
Third or subsequent DWAI within 10 years (Misdemeanor) Fine: $750 – $1,500 180 days Revoked for at least six months
Zero Tolerance Law $125 civil penalty and $100 fee to terminate suspension None Suspended for six months
Second Zero Tolerance Law $125 civil penalty and $100 re-application fee None Revoked for one year or until age 21
Chemical Test Refusal $500 civil penalty ($550 for commercial drivers) None Revoked for at least one year, 18 months for commercial drivers.
Chemical Test Refusal within five years of a previous DWI-related charge/Chemical Test Refusal $750 civil penalty None Revoked for at least 18 months, one-year or until age 21 for drivers under age 21, permanent CDL revocation for commercial drivers.
Chemical Test Refusal – Zero Tolerance Law $300 civil penalty and $100 re-application fee None Revoked for at least one year.
Chemical Test Refusal – Second or subsequent Zero Tolerance Law $750 civil penalty and $100 re-application fee None Revoked for at least one year.

DWI Laws For Non-NY Residents
Driving Under the Influence – DWI (Out-of-State) N/A N/A Revoked for at least 90 days. If less than 21 years of age, revoked at least one year.
Driving Under the Influence DWI (Out-of-State) with any previous alcohol-drug violation N/A N/A Revoked for at least 90 days (a longer term with certain prior offenses). If less than 21 years of age, revoked at least one year or until age 21 (longest term).
Why Our Clients Choose DWI Attorney Nachamie, Over The Competition
Please note we only use client’s initials in the reviews to respect their privacy
Robert Nachamie saved me from what would’ve been a very unpleasant situation. He came through and got me my life back. He was there every step of the way. I would highly recommend him.
– E.G.
The very best lawyer and very attentive to detail. Extremely caring and dedicated to getting the best results
– R.T.
You are not going to find a more compassionate and ethical attorney who will advocate on behalf of his clients.
– E.P.
I referred a close family friend to Robert Nachamie. She is very happy with how her matter is being handled ! We both recommend Attorney Nachamie highly
– A.G.
A DWI Lawyer With Integrity–
Robert M. Nachamie
Serving Westchester, Dutchess, and Lower New York State
With more than 10 years of experience in handling driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases, I know how to guide your case through the complexities of the legal system. because I have done it successfully so many times before, I know precisely how your case will be conducted be it a criminal or traffic case.

My Objective In Every DWI Case
Is To Make Your Charge Disappear
My sole objective is to make your DWI (DUI) charge disappear, to keep your criminal record clean, and to prevent you from losing your freedom and your license to drive. You see . . . my law practice is based on the belief that you were arrested when you shouldn’t have been. I’ll make sure that you’re being treated fairly and with dignity.
Charged With Drunken Driving?
You Need An Experienced DWI Attorney
If you or someone you know has been arrested on a DWI (DUI) charge in Westchester, please contact DWI lawyer Robert M. Nachamie. To find out more, please call us at 914-930-7978 to arrange a free and confidential consultation. The law office is located in Peekskill, NY. Home consultations are available.
Westchester DWI Lawyer Robert M. Nachamie
–Because Everyone Deserves A Second Chance
The Law Office of Robert Nachamie
1011 Park St. Peekskill, NY 10566
- New York Bar Association
- New York Defender’s Association
- Association of Trial Lawyers of America
- National College for DUI Defense
- Yorktown Bar Association
- Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce
- Better Business Bureau
Because Everyone Deserves A Second Chance